About This gig :
Are u looking for a social media expert ? Yes , i am here . you can make many fans and conversion at low cost(maximum value) and super fast .
I will run Facebook Boost ADS Campaign to grow Facebook page .
1. what is the strategy ??
Ans: Ads campaign or Boost.
2. why do i need so much fan ?
Ans : your page will be found higher in fb search .
3. why should i buy form u ?
Ans : okay cool . check : http://prntscr.com/o0rukb
4 . Are they real ?
Ans : Ofcourse , 100% real audience.
5 . where are the fans from ?
Ans : i am trying for low cost CPL (http://prntscr.com/o0ruze )
6. Can u target one country ?
Ans : Yes i can , but the price increases .
7. Actually the fans will come from any county, Afraca ?
Ans : Africa, No .. Most of the Asian random .
8 . you can see your campaign ?
Ans : ofcourse , u can check 24/7 . Thanks
9. who spends money for the ads campaign ?
Ans : I spend all money for your page from my business account .

Seller's Response:
Grew a lot of likes. I couldn’t believe it.
Seller's Response:Alrightttttt
Seller's Response:A++++++++++
Seller's Response:would recommend

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