Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Create And Run Facebook Lead Generation Ads




For last few years I've helped over 100 clients run advertising campaigns where significant part of it was related to leads generation where we generated thousands and thousands of leads and many new clients for my clients. So I've decided to create special gig for advertising where goal is to collect leads and turn them into a clients.

How to start:

First thing I always prefer is education. I want my clients to understand the process and get realistic expectations. There are many shady services offering leads which you don't know source or quality and may be waste of time and $. 

To start generating prospects we need to make a plan and prepare your business for it. Every niche is different and requires custom approach so we don't just start executing but it always starts with a strategy and preparation.

Facebook have own terms when it comes to ads and we must set everything with respecting those rules if you don't want your account to get disabled.

Please read my FAQ to prepare yourself better.

If you are just starting with lead ads I recommend my BASIC audit package to check your accounts and get ready to start.



Knowledgeable and efficient. Excellent value!

: : : :

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